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Bachelor’s degree in Art and Design from the Fine Arts College of the Central University for Nationalities, Beijing

Lecturer in the Elementary Education College of Capital Normal University, Beijing

Master’s degree in Oil Painting from the Fine Arts College of Capital Normal University, Beijing

Master’s of Education from Flinders University, Australia

In 2001, the oil painting Raining Stars of the Millennium was included in the “Research and Surpassing–Oil Painting Exhibition of China” hosted by the Oil Painting Academy of China, on display in November 2001 at the Central Academy of Fine Arts.

In 2002, the oil painting Memory (IV) was included in the “Third Exhibition of New Works From Beijing Freshmen”, on display in October 2002 at the Central Academy of Fine Arts.

In 2003, the oil painting Nuwa’s Dress was included in the “Entering the New Century Hand by Hand–The Third Chinese Oil Painting Exhibition”, on display in 2003 at the National Art Museum of China.

In 2003, the oil paintings Geography, History, Psychology and Nuwa’s Dress–Stars and Cloud were included in the “Related to Culture Exhibition”, on display at the Soka Gallery in Taiwan.

In March 2005, Gulistan participated in the “Style Women Art Exhibition” in (Beijing).

In August 2005, Gulistan participated in the “Exhibition of Works from Excellent Established Artists” in (Qingdao).

In July 2006, Gulistan held a solo exhibition of her work at the Spring Gallery in (Shanghai).

In December 2006, Gulistan participated in a 14-member group exhibition of contemporary artists entitled “The Depth of Vision” held at the Oriental Yuanxiang Gallery in Beijing.

In March 2007 Gulistan held a joint exhibition with Greek artist Yorgos Papageorgiou at the Today Art Museum in Beijing entitled”Encounter Between the Notes”

In September 2007 had a group exhibition entitled”The Scenery of Desire” held at Bridge Gallery in (Beijing).

In October 2007 had a group exhibition at ShiJiazhuang Contemporary Museum.

In June 2008 had a group exhibition entitled” China Blue” in (Sweden).

In September 2008 participated in “view and image”
International Contemporary art exhibition in (Beijing).

In December 2008 participated in “Art in China- Chinese Contemporary art exhibition” at Today art Museum in (Beijing).

In December 2008 participated in “Art from Silk road” at National Art Museum in (Beijing).

In March 2009 Participated in “The Exhibition of Contemporary Female Artists” at HuanTie Times Art Museum in (Beijing).


In August 2009 Participated in “Korea-China Contemporary Art Interchange Exhibition”(Seoul, Korean)

In December 2009 had exhibition at Shougong Art Museum(Beijing)

In December 2009 Participated in “Chinese scenery”at Oriental Art Center in Beijing.

In April 2010 Participated in“Between Square Inch – International Contemporary Art Exhibition of Small Oil Paintings “at Oriental Art Center in Beijing.

In June 19th 2010 held a solo exhibition”Gulistan 2010 Shanghai-Tales of time” at the M ART CENTER (Shanghai).

August 2010 to participate in ” Beijing – Jinbao Arts Carnival” Invitation Exhibition ( Beijing Jinbao Museum of Art )

March 20, 2012 to participate in ” painting Xinjiang “( Guangdong Provincial Museum )

April 2012 to participate in ” painting Xinjiang ” ( Shanghai Art Museum )

April 2012 to participate in ” Dragon ” Invitational Exhibition of works ( Beijing Backstreet Gallery)

March 24, 2012 ” Gulistan  portrait of memory solo exhibition in Taiwan  ( National Taiwan Normal University )

March 21, 2012 to participate in the Taipei Art Fair ( Taipei World Trade Center Exhibition Hall )

April 2012 to participate in CIGE2012 in China International Gallery Exposition China International Gallery Exposition 2012 ( Beijing Exhibition Hall )

April 2012 to participate in Art Beijing Art Beijing ( Beijing )

April 2012 to participate in ” painting Xinjiang  ( Xinjiang International Exhibition Center )

May 2012 to participate in ” painting Xinjiang ( Beijing Poly Art Museum )

May 2012 to participate in 13 of the Beijing artist friends from 7 countries organized to “art and friendship ” Art and Friendship (XYZ Gallery in Beijing)

July 2012 to participate in ” Young Power” ( Huan Tie Times Art Museum ) Beijing
August 2012 to participate in ” painting Xinjiang “( Hong Kong Exhibition Centre )

May 2013 to participate in ” Retrospect and Reconstruction – Manet Galleries Young Artists Exhibition” ( Beijing Manet Museum)

In August 2013 “Gulistan 2013 solo exhibition in Beijing-Recall-faint traces” ( Beijing Manet Museum)

November 2013 to participate in ” UV – Life Art Phenomenology fifth boundary Art Exhibition” ( Qingdao International Convention Center )

November 2013 to participate in ” young Oil Painting Exhibition” ( Qingdao Municipal Museum of Art )

December 2013 to participate in ” young Oil Painting Exhibition” ( Shandong collection network art galleries )

March 2014 with the participation of well-known critic Jia Ark planned ” Female Artist Salon Exhibition” ( Beijing Manet grass Arts Center )

March 2014 to participate Times Museum hosted “She – era” Art Exhibition

March 2014 to participate in ” ” Spring Dance ” Cross-Strait female artist boutique Show” ( Beijing Art Market Art Museum )

April 2014 to participate in the “First UAE Women Elite Forum Exhibition” ( Dubai Technology Exhibition Center )

May 2014 to participate in ” China expressionist imagery Exhibition” ( Beijing 99 Art Museum )

June 2014 to participate in ” The China xinjiang International Arts Biennale”


Gulistan Published Works

Gulistan’s artwork has been published in: Chinese Oil Painting, Art Observation, Research and Surpassing–Oil Paintings Exhibition of China, Entering the New Century Hand by Hand–The Third Chinese Oil Painting Exhibition, Chinese Contemporary Arts, Chinese Oil Painting, Xinmin Evening News, Oriental Morning News (Shanghai), Shanghai Times News, Chinese Broadway Bookzine (Beijing), 25ans, New Horizon, Meishu Neican Magazine, and Oriental Art Classics….

A personal art book entitled Gulistan was published in Hong Kong in April 2006, 160 pages.Published Events -2009 years of Chinese Fine Art Chronicle-Creative state of Gulistan’s painting from the Chinese Literature Press.Record History China Art Memorabilia Record The Contemporary Artists 2009′ Representative Artworks.


Expositions of the artist